Thursday, July 15, 2010

One Ego To Go Please

I'm not sure what it's called, when Filipinos laugh the way someone speaks funny English. Mind we, someone who is Filipino too. From the looks of it, it's going to be a relatively shorter entry because I'm at the peak of my emotions wondering how our stupidity came to be. In short, I'm mad... No, wrathful.

Showtime and Wowowee each has hosts of the many local variety shows whose highly-paid hosts need to invest in a two-year course on social etiquette. But let me give a brief background: It's a fact that our nation is marginalized. There are the ones sitting on top of the food pyramid, the ones a tad below the big guns, the ones lucky enough not to be on the bottom, the ones staring eye-level with the base of that strata. These celebrities, of whom many has looked at them as idols, belong to the upper class of the society. As expected, people "below" them, so to speak, see them as the intellectuals. It's sad, but that's how our system works. I don't even know who is wrong between the ill-advised believers and the supposedly examples. As a result, whatever these people on TV say and do are unfortunately seen by many as the right thing. Remember, they do not know any better so what choice do they have. Going back, these hosts shouldn't make fun of the way game contestants answer questions. First of all, we live in a country in which the first and foremost language is Tagalog, not English. We are blessed to be a nation of people who understand and speak the language many consider as the international language, but that's about it. We are too insecure about our ego that we are afraid of anybody looking down on us. We therefore place so much emphasis on displaying an attitude of never backing down on anyone. It's pride I say. Secondly, the people being made fun of are not even aware that it's not the way they say certain words that are wrong, it's the entire system which blinds us to the truth. It should be known that with this gift of the Western education comes a responsibility to sustain and promote our culture.

No one laughs when winners of Miss Universe coming from Hispanic countries answer tough questions in their native accent yet in English. IT IS BECAUSE IT IS NOTHING BUT ACCEPTABLE! They have great respect for where they come from that they don't feel like they need to force anything anymore further while we say we're proud to be Filipinos and stuff when by example we show the opposite. People, let's get our acts straight, please. Don't we also mock other Asian nations by imitating the tone and accent of their voice? Its embarrassing really, more than anything. I can't understand how we can get away with this.

I'm calling out Mariel Rodriguez and Vice Ganda who are just some of the many high profile entertainers who should begin changing their ways. I apologize if it turned out to be a longer entry as I have expected. I guess that happens when the words do come from the heart. It's frustrating and tiring to realize these things, and not be able to share it to those concerned. I think I finally figured out what it's called and it could easily be summed up in this whole entry.


  1. Erv, even if I likewise frown at those celebrities who make fun of those who can't speak English properly, (I have heard those in the industry in worse grammar and accents), I always believe that if one cannot speak English in the right manner, then one should just express him or herself in the native tongue. The tolerance of society to improper language use is what gives rise to "text speak", jejemons and the like. While it is wrong to laugh at other people's inappropriate language use, it is equally erratic to just tolerate them and leave them as is.

  2. A sign of crisis fatigue in our country...

  3. c'mon guys! where's the fun in noontime shows if the celebrities mentioned don't do that? its entertainment people! and i'm buying it.
